Category Archives: Cultural Event

September Art Walk

Last November, I had the pleasure of meeting Faye Reineberg Holt at a craft show in Calgary where we were both selling our wares – she her books and me the art that had been donated to canadian artists for the poor.

canadian artists for the poor is a non-profit organization that began in 2008 in order to break the cycle of poverty. We host various fundraising events, such as the Calgary Art Walks on Stephen Avenue each summer and give to charities working with those living in extreme poverty. For example, we have given to an orphanage in Kenya.

We have four Art Walks each summer, and the last one of the season will be taking place on Thursday, September 4th from 10 – 5. If you haven’t walked down the pedestrian mall Stephen Avenue lately, you should make plans to come. It’s a wonderful part of our city with many patio restaurants along the way.

The Art Walk has many local painters and photographers who come to show and sell their work. Many styles of art at a variety of price points are available. Some artists create onsite. It’s an inspiring way to spend the day. Of course, there is no fee to come, but feel free to stroll along and offer a word of encouragement to the local artists and take home a one-of-a-kind piece of art.

It’s a win-win-win event. Local artists gain exposure and sell their work. The charities we give to are supported (the entry fees the artists pay go to charity) and the buyers take home an amazing piece of art.  Special thanks goes to the downtown association who makes these Art Walks possible.

For more information, please visit our website at

Julie Chandler
Executive Director